Hints, Tips, & Tricks Compiled by Sandy Kettenhofen and Tuncer Deniz Civilization Tip: In the beginning build at least 4 militia units. Use two to explore the land and two to protect your city. Hint: Quickly develop pottery, barracks, and pursue writing before any other cultural advances. Writing will help you get ahead of your competition. Tip: Be fruitful and multiply! Building a few cities in your first millennia will help your expansion efforts in the future. Tip: After you've built a few cities, provide a defensive perimeter around those cities. Don't let anything get through. Tip: Don't develop every square around a city early on, you can do that later. Remember, multiply! Tuncer Deniz Out Of This World Tip: When you go down to shoot the wall that blocks the pool, there is a screen with three vines in it. Those can easily be destroyed with big energy blasts. Tip: The first screen with falling rocks can be easily traversed with running jumps. Simply start running on the screen before, and press "up" until you've made it. The second screen is just as easy: wait until the first group of two rocks falls three times, then run (no jumping). You can keep running until you are past the vine, or stop before it, go up, and shoot it with an energy ball. Trick: When returning back from this underground voyage, some people have trouble jumping onto the stalactite. Do a running jump off the cliff. Also, dying once will make the three vines go away. (I think the first time back they will still be there even if you didn't shoot them). Tip: When floating back up from shooting the underwater power cable you don't have to go to the air pocket to get extra air. Tip: Teeth don't bite when they are in the water, so don't try to avoid them. Hint: When you and your friend crawl out of the base to escape the guards (TFBB), your friend runs to the right and gets arrested. The simplest way to shoot the other guard is to stop right before the shield to his right, so he doesn't have a chance to use it. Then one shot gets him. Trick: To point a gun at somebody without shooting use the crouch function. (5 on the keypad). Tip: The only way to make it past the grate in the dark and through the level below (with the animals) is to run without jumping. At the end of the grate walk carefully into the other scene. Alexei Lebedev Might & Magic III Trick: As soon as your party has acquired the skill of swimming you can access the island in Cripple Creek. The fountain on this island will enhance each of your characters level by +20 temporarily. Hint: Princess Trueberry is looking for love. Althea, Nymph of the Great Sea causes all male characters to fall in Love. Tip: The Ancient Temple of Moo contains the idol which bestows the rank of Crusader upon all who reach it. Trick: Just outside Fountainhead is a gypsy caravan that will sell the temporary use of the Wizard's Eye spell for 10 gold pieces. This can be used to great advantage until your sorcerer gains the spell permanently. Tip: Any item with a name containing the modifier "OF" has the power of casting the magic described. For example, a Rod of Energy Blast contains the power of casting Energy Blast. Tip: In the Fortress of Fear there are 8 spaces in the center cavern that contain either a field of electricity or a moaning head. Each space is controlled by two levers. One lever will fill a space with a moaning head, a separate lever will turn the same space into a field of electricity; 8 spaces x 2 levers each = 16 levers. Tip: When walking on the desert islands it is best not to dig up anything that is buried in the sand until you are VERY strong. The treasure is great but so is the monster that protects it. Trick: The treasure chests on the desert islands become real ONE day of the week. Sandy Kettenhofen 3 in Three Trick: The last set of "elevators" can be traversed using one single key. Press the far right key and all the others will align for the "3" to cross all the way from left to right immediately. Trick: In each of the puzzles for the "Inside Track" the number of the puzzle is spelled downward across the other words. You can locate where to put the number by inserting letters in the squares. When the square turns a different color you know that is where you should be able to spell the corresponding number. Hint: Several of the puzzles contain clues that seem to make no sense at all and are just random letters. Try saying the letters out loud to determine if they can become a word. For instance, if the clue is PL, out loud this could become PEEL or PEAL. Sandy Kettenhofen Tristan Tip: When starting play, notice sometimes how the ball is willing to hit all three Extra Ball drop targets and land in the kicker? This happens when the plunger is released about 3/4 down. Trick: Usually the ball bounces off the entry gate then falls through the third alley. BUT! A space-bar nudge the moment the ball hits the gate will put the ball through the Extra Ball lane. Trick: If the left gutter is lit, the plunger will pop the ball out. A nudge at the moment the plunger plunges sometimes causes the ball to drop two or three Magic targets. Tip: Use the space-bar nudge a lot when coming through the top alleys. This gets a lazy ball excited. David Swift Space Quest IV Tip: After you’ve dealt with the droid inside the supercomputer dome, plug your pocket terminal into an access port, disconnect, and walk a few paces away. Then, reconnect to the port, and you’ll get a message from Sludge Vohaul - and he actually talks, in a somewhat-better-than-Macintalk-voice. Black Mac via AOL If you have a Hint, Tip, or Trick, we will include it in the magazine. Send it to Sandy Kettenhofen on CompuServe (75020,512) or Tuncer Deniz on America Online (IMGames).